Week 22 – I am the Owner of my Emotions

Its been an absolutely whirlwind if a week and I am overcome with awe and amazement as I watch my life continue to evolved and unfold in different ways as a result of the habits that I have applied in my life.


I was just thinking about how in life I have become a procurer of tools of consciousness, over the past 2 years I have worked closely with a number of different tools to get me to the point in my life where I was ready to tackle this course with both hands and now for the past 5+ months I have been making doing right by the Master Keys Mastermind a Priority for myself.

Week 22 was no different than any other week in the fact that I have hit a new level of understanding and feel this has been another magical week of evolution growth and change. I’ve learned that with this kind of work and once you start to focus on that world within.. the progression never stops…. I will never look at the same thing twice in the same way.   I have been hearing that from many different people. The principles that work x3max_masterkeyfor me will guide and shape my life no matter what point I am at.  There is no such thing as saying.. oh.. I’m done reading this book I never have to read it again.  One of my Network Marketing meetings was discussing that with respect to the book “Think and Grow Rich”.  I know that the Master Keys are a part of my life now… I can even say that it took me 37 years to reach the point where I was ready to work with this material..

I am actually having a hard time putting into words how I am feeling now. I think where I am at now in my head is actually to new for me to really even process or explain.  It just is… and I’m very happy about that.

Going through my day… one of the habits that I have adopted was asking myself “How can it get any better than this?” & “What else is possible”.  I will say that 100% of the time I receive an answer and I see something that shows me how much better things can get. I think the one huge point of evolution this week will be how I have started to see the difference between when I am focused on my world within and when I am reaching into imagesmy world without and formulating a mindset that is based on living within the result instead of creating my own experience.  My observer has reached the point where I can kind of playing slap myself on the wrist and say.. now now now Dan.. you know where the boundaries are….Maintaining a state of little expectation is becoming more and more effortless.. realizing that I am responsible for attracting my own successes has been something I’ve adopted well and take seriously.

I have been focused on nailing down a ‘part time’ job in which I am getting between 20-25 hours a week.  I’ve ascertained that it will give me what I need while I am ramping up for my 2 main focii which is evolving myself as a Network  Marketing Professional and moving forward with being a Computing Consultant.  I had a brief interview today with in which I was absolutely honest with what I desired from the job and where I was going with my life.  I was completely honest and transparent, because really there is no point now to feed any situation that is anything less than harmonious with my direction.


It only took about 3 minutes for my perspective employer and I to realize that it was not going to be a harmonious relationship. I expressed sincere gratitude for getting the chance to have that discussion with him and was on my way.  I asked myself the familiar question.. “How much better can things get?” & “What else is possible”… no sooner than I did that my next direction was quickly loading into my mind and away I went.  There was such a feeling of empowerment from this moment because I was able to refine my awareness of my world within and realize that this was not a direction I needed to go. It really is sometimes only through the action of doing that we can know where to go next. I had sent that out there and worked with it and wished it well!

I was working with the Master Keys Week 22 5-6 The most this week:

5. It is through the law of vibration that the mind exercises this control over the
body. We know that every mental action is a vibration, and we know that all form is simply a mode of motion, a rate of vibration. Therefore, any given vibration
immediately modifies every atom in the body, every life cell is affected and an
entire chemical change is made in every group of life cells.

6. Everything in the Universe is what it is by virtue of its rate of vibration. Change
the rate of vibration and you change the nature, quality and form. The vast
panorama of nature, both visible and invisible, is being constantly changed by
simply changing the rate of vibration, and as thought is a vibration we can also
exercise this power. We can change the vibration and thus produce any condition
which we desire to manifest in our bodies.

My post last week was focused on the “Hulk Within”… (Week 21 Post) it really is amazinghulk the effect of surrendering to the Hulk within and the effect it has on the body. I’ve become aware that over the past year even though I’ve not been having an emotional blow out I’ve still been feeling and letting that anger grab a hold of my body and my mind.  So I think my home work over the coming weeks is going to learn to become more aware for myself as to what is involved at truly transmuting that anger so it no longer jacks into who I am and effects me in the way it has in the past…. This brings me all the way to Scroll II

I greet this day with love in my heart.

But how do I react to the actions of others? With love. For just as love is my weapon to open the hearts of men and women, love is also my shield to repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger. Adversity and discouragement beat against my new shield and become as the softest of rains. My shield protects me in the market place and sustains me when I am alone. It uplifts me in moments of despair yet it calms me in times of exultation. It becomes stronger and more protective with use until one day I cast it aside and walk unencumbered among all manners of men and women and, my name is raised high on the pyramid of life.


“It becomes stronger and more protective until one day I cast it aside and walk unencumbered among all manners of men and women”….  That is exactly what I am talking about here… building the tools to evolve past the point in which these emotions affect me in a way that is going to slow me down…. isn’t this what Scroll 6 is all about? Becoming the Master of our emotions so we can truly walk unencumbered? When we reach the point of accountability in which we truly become the master of our emotions and the way our emotions effect us?

I did a great deal of contemplation on the following from Scroll 6

Today I will be master of my emotions.

 It is one of nature’s tricks, little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday. Yesterday’s joy will become today’s sadness; yet today’s sadness will grow into tomorrow’s joy. Inside me is a wheel, constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy. Like the flowers, today’s full bloom of joy will fade and wither into despondency, yet I will remember that as today’s dead flower carries the seed of tomorrow’s bloom so, too, does today’s sadness carry the seed of tomorrow’s joy.

8a0f00e21016c98b1d01447ec483f2fb.jpgI know in my life this has always been so true.. there are certain days in which I have woken up with such sadness, other days I have woken up with such joy… I have really not understood this.. but I was thinking about something along these lines… If we are all one.. separated by a degree… if the father and I are one… does it not make sense that we will pick up and tune into the emotions of other selves?  Because we are all one… to me our job becomes more clear… its not just our role to become a source of change in our own lives… but to help transmute the energy and emotion of the world.  To be the people who have taken on the tremendous responsibility for helping and assisting with grounding and transmuting those energies.  One only has to turn on the news to be reminded of the lack of harmony that is around us in our everyday lives… there are storms raging in many peoples lives…  I feel this is one plausible explanation for why we seem to wake up with this emotions that hit us out of left field once in a while.  Maybe we receive these energies not because of what we have done wrong.. but because we are the ones that are strong enough to dissipate these energies just as a lighting rod will function as that point to discharge a lightning bolt form the sky….


Moving into Week 22A…. I feel that now that I have become very much aware of the effect my emotions have on me.. its time to really work at scroll 6 in feeding my subconscious and making me more and more aware of how to become the master of my emotions.  Another thing that I am working on now is to further my awareness of what it means to be centered on the focus of manifesting my world with in… and learning to give the space for things to unfold in my life in the way they need to.  I think this also for me means continue to learn to let people work in the way they feel they need to in my life.  I come from a position in which I would attempt to control or force a level of manifestation in the way I wanted it to… this made things very rigid in my life and left no room for me to really let anyone in…..  As I am becoming more aware of this I am having a lot more fulfilling experiences and situations enter my life… This is one thing I have absolute Gratitude for in my life right now.. being able to reach this point in which I was aware enough to see this…

Thank you for taking the time to read and share in my journey here. I’m looking forward to our next webinar which isn’t gonna be this weekend but next weekend… I miss everyone.. but I’m fine with that… I have been working hard in rocking my own progression and getting the most of the gifts that have been bestowed on me resulting from this course….


5 thoughts on “Week 22 – I am the Owner of my Emotions

  1. I feel the energy of your journey! Thanks for sharing.

    Oh, and I’ve “stolen” your two great questions and written them on the index cards I flip through every day 😉


  2. I’ve gotten down several gems from your post. You’ve written things perfectly that I’ve been feeling (“I think where I am at now in my head is actually to new for me to really even process or explain. It just is… and I’m very happy about that.”) And given me nuggets to ponder. And a BIG thumbs up the the He-Man meme!! If you’re read my earlier posts, I’m a huge fan and used a few graphics myself.


  3. I love your questions: “How much better can things get?” & “What else is possible?” They both give place for so much expansion, abundance and miracles. Beautiful!


  4. Fantastic insights! You brought so many things together in this post. I especially noted how you’ve become the Observer and are focused on the inner world. Tremendous growth that never stops!


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