Week 21 – Channeling my Inner Hulk

The End of Week 21 and I am looking forward to Sunday’s Webinar. Its been a week of achievement for me. I feel as though life is firing on all pistons and the momentum is building day by day.

hulkI have been drawn to watching some Video’s that talk about the Lore surround a Fictional Comic book Character called ” The Hulk “…  The Origin of the story is that the The Hulk is an Angry state of man named Bruce Banner.  When he becomes enraged he becomes a big Green Monster and the more anger & rage he gets the Stronger and more powerful he gets.  The angrier he gets the more destructive he gets.  The idea behind this character is that he is a force of nature. There is no limitation to the amount of Disharmony he can dish out.  But the results of this is that he is never happy… never content.. and he destroying everything around him… he is a slave to his emotion and it rules over his rational mind.  One of his most note able quotes is “Hulk Smash”…


I think this is a great analogy how Anger can effect all of us.  I become a slave to my emotion, when we become addicted to the feeling of anger in the short run it can give apple-orange-hybridus a small measure of gratification. But it is true that there is no limitation to the amount of dispersion and dis-harmony it can generate in our lives. When I am in that mode of anger… I want to grip it tighter, I want to justify its existence. I want keep on pressing on. In the end… I want to win.. I want to get what I want. In truth.. the worst thing that could happen is that I get what I want. Because in doing that… I have used Sheer will to attempt to Get an Orange from an Apple Tree… To get a Raspberry from a Strawberry Bush..  This will 5799317964_604e43712f.jpgnever happen with Natural law. It is equivalent to giving into a child who is in the process of learning boundaries in life.  If that child is conditioned that whenever he has a tantrum he can get what he wants then it sets the stage of a nasty cycle that grows over time.  Its only by learning that its Okay  for me to to be Angry. Being Angry is a great tool for growth.. but that Anger needs to be channeled into something constructive. If that Anger is turned inward and becomes range then I will reap what I sew.  It is immutable law.  This week, there was a point in which I had a discussion with myself.. I gave myself permission to be angry.  I said “Dan… if you want to be angry.. then to to it for as long as you want… do what you need to satisfying this….” but when I thought about what would satisfy it… there was only emptiness.  The time that I would spend being that way.. I would be robbing myself of that time to do other things….


When I took the time to reflect on why I was angry. It boiled down to Fear, Fear leading to hulk4an expectation… when expectation wasn’t met.. then Anger bubbles up.  Anger and Expectation leading to Blame… Blame leading to giving my power away and me needing to take time out of a very busy schedule and a very quick pace to reflect upon why I was angry. At first all I wanted to do was to continue along my trajectory. To be the guy that continued to fight for what he wanted.  Which is essentially a state of living with my own means.  Basing my emotional response to the output of what has already transpired.   When you examine that… it really shows you how important the Rational mind is in all of this. Because without it the Angry mind or “Hulk” mind would rage into infinity and leading to untold hardship as the result of attracting more of the same.

I picked up a phrase a while back that said “Anger is a Sign of Inner conflict” ….  I agree with this fully.  In reflecting on the “Father and I are one” I Am the same as anyone else but only reflected by a degree. If we are all connected… if we are all one and only separated by a degree… then we are all not to blame but equally accountable for all of what goes on here on earth.   This leads very well in what I wanted to share next.

With all of us being connected… I think Anger is something we are never going to be free of in today’s age. But what we do with that anger… If I can transmute it into something beautiful. That is what I need to do. I can commit to those random acts of kindness and even when I am Angry and succumb to disease of the mind we call despair… I can still make that effort to brighten someones day. With that in mind I know I can be the best person, father, best son, friend, entrepreneur, team member.. The best Leader… I can be if I keep all of this in mind.

070104_talltreehunter_hmed_7p-grid-6x2This morning I had a pretty substantial a-ha moment as I was going about my daily routine. Felt a sense of anxiety, pressure, sadness… I was starting into one of those Blame Subroutines… Then I asked myself the question… When I achieve my goals… will I still feel this way? All of the sudden those emotions went away and my emotions turned into excitement and motivation. I realized that If I had achieved my goals… There would be no reason to be feeling any of those things… Even If I only achieved less than 10% of what I set out to do.. I would be content and excited! I feel as though my fear is what triggers that blame game… It is the focus on the bigger thoughts and allowing the law of growth to take over, this fear can be minimized… This is my homework moving into Week 22.

In Master Keys – Week 21-7&8 It talks about Big Thoughts and that if we keep focused on it for long enough it becomes impressed on the subconscious

7. This is one of the secrets of success, one of the methods of organizing victory,
one of the accomplishments of the Master-Mind. He thinks big thoughts. The
creative energies of mind find no more difficulty in handling large situations, than small ones. Mind is just as much present in the Infinitely large as in the Infinitely

8. When we realize these facts concerning mind we understand how we may bring
ourselves any condition by creating the corresponding conditions in our
consciousness, because everything which is held for any length of time in the
consciousness, eventually becomes impressed upon the subconscious and thus
becomes a pattern which the creative energy will wave into the life and
environment of the individual.

I think the biggest thing that I got form this week is how Anger is always going to be part of my life.  Anger can be my ally. A force for good.  It is also a way for me to be of service.  I will be given things in life and sometimes they will make me angry. Maybe someone will do something I don’t like… “Oh that makes me FURIOUS”…. but what I do with that … that is where the Miracle takes place. I can take that anger transmute it into something beautiful.

If I think Big Thoughts… Permeate my subconscious with them.  Have good habits… Greet this Day with love in my Heart.. Persist and Succeed… I know I am Natures Greatest Miracle and Live each and every Day as if it my last…. I will be playing my A Game… I will be that force of good.. I will achieve my goals and I will continue to achieve them as long as I as I live.

This morning there is a whole new layer of excitement building with what I have -1x-1.jpgconnected with this week.  There have been re-occurring themes that have taken place in my life that have been related to this re-occurring wall of anger and fear that I experience.My process this week has been to substitute this fear… for the ‘Do It Now’ Attitude… to channel any of that fear or anger into my do it now list to change my habit.  To be the guy that uses any of this fear to achieve is goals and dreams… knowing that letting this anger turn me into this inner hulk will only serve to cause dis-harmony in my life. Where as achieving my hopes and dreams will contribute to more of the same hopes and dreams.  As I right this now I’m reminded of how fundamental to the course this point is:

Master Keys Week 1

1. That much gathers more is true on every plane of existence and that loss leads
to greater loss is equally true.
2. Mind is creative, and conditions, environment and all experiences in life are the
result of our habitual or predominant mental attitude.
3. The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the
secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.

As I think big thoughts and keep those big thoughts front and center… there is absolutely limitless potential to what I can achieve.  It really is a great feeling to be connecting all of this together right now on different levels.

6 thoughts on “Week 21 – Channeling my Inner Hulk

  1. You know…I used to get angrier than I do now and something has really changed inside of me through this course. I have a new motto, “it is what it is”. I just let those angry feelings pass by me and say, ‘It is what is is”. I can’t do anything about what makes me angry, so I substitute something positive for that anger and it quickly subsides. I’m a much better person because of it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading this.


  2. Pingback: Week 22 – I am the Owner of my Emotions – Dan's Master Key Journey 2016-2017

  3. Wow, “When I achieve my goals, will I still feel this way?” This is a powerful question to ask self on a regular basis! Thank you!


    1. It really is…. I think we all kinda play this game of cat and mouse with ourselves with respect to our own consciousness…. As we evolve we are literally becoming the embodiment of our future selves!!

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